Command line interface (CLI) for running jobs/tasks

kiba-extend uses Thor to provide a command line interface for working with your ETL project.

I chose Thor over Rake because it is awkward to pass options/parameters in Rake, and because automated testing of Rake tasks is convoluted. (ref)

Help on the CLI

The following command will list all available tasks.

thor -T

This lets you search for only tasks beginning with “reg”:

thor list reg

Some of the task descriptions may be truncated in the display, though. This also doesn’t tell you what parameters/options you can pass in.

To get more details on a given task:

thor --help TASKNAME

For example: thor --help reg:list or thor --help jobs:tagged

Conventions in the help

Plain parameters

When you see:

Usage: thor jobs:tagged TAG

The all caps word is a placeholder for a parameter that gets passed in without an option flag. For example, the following returns a list of jobs tagged with “report”:

thor jobs:tagged report

Boolean options

Boolean options are presented a bit oddly in the help. For example:

Options: r, [--run], [--no-run] # Whether to run the matching jobs

Any of the following will work, according to your preference:

To find the jobs, list, and run them:

thor jobs:tagged report -r true thor jobs:tagged cspace --run thor jobs:tagged -r true cspace thor jobs:tagged --run true cspace thor jobs:tagged --run cspace

The find and list the jobs without running them:

thor jobs:tagged report -r false thor jobs:tagged cspace --no-run thor jobs:tagged -r false cspace thor jobs:tagged --run false cspace thor jobs:tagged --no-run cspace

However the following does run the jobs, so use one of the more straightforward options above:

thor jobs:tagged cspace --no-run true

Other options

Usage: v, [--verbosity=VERBOSITY] # Only relevant if run=true. How much info to print to screen # Default: normal # Possible values: minimal, normal, verbose

In this case, replace the all-caps word with one of the possible values (if listed), or your uncontrolled string.

To use the full option name:

thor jobs:tagged cspace --run --verbosity=verbose

To use the alias:

thor jobs:tagged cspace --run -v verbose


Thor tasks are defined in kiba-extend/lib/tasks.

There is a Thorfile in the kiba-extend base directory that autoloads those tasks and runs the CLI when you type thor commands. (How this works is some kinda ruby/thor library magic I haven’t dug into fully).

Your ETL project base directory (if following the repo template/FWM example), will also have a Thorfile in its base directory, which will call in all of kiba-extend’s tasks, as well as any you create in your own repo’s /lib/tasks directory.